As the title says, im using the questing bot to level a new toon. Since im questing in WoD Areas the bot sometimes just stops working. And sometimes clearing caches(wiki post) helps, sometimes it does not. Sometimes waiting helps, sometimes not, sometimes reinstalling helps, sometimes not. So you see im completely in the dark. Any suggestions? Ideas? anything? thanks in advance!
clear your cache Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache corruption problems - The Buddy Wiki and load the profile via Bstore plz
i cleared the cache multiple times the way you linked before (its the same link i linked) to try if this works, well, it does not. And i dont have access to my old email anymore, so i cannot make a buddyauth account so i cant use bstore. So after some more tries its still not working. Update: The world quests work fine on my other toon.