I run the bot . It operates for 5-10 minutes, and stops there. I press the stop - start, and he again runs for 5-10 minutes.
[Flightor] Failed ground nav from <-530.9992, 329.3114, 115.4722> to <3733.207, -3327.12, 1013.734> with status PathGenerationFailed [Flightor] We can neither fly nor run to the destination. [Flightor] Failed ground nav from <-530.9992, 329.3114, 115.4722> to <3733.207, -3327.12, 1013.734> with status PathGenerationFailed [Flightor] We can neither fly nor run to the destination. и после пары минут такого спама бот останавливается...
[16:18:21.045 D] Loading profile from F:\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Gold\Cata\Firelands_noGbankV0_3.xml [16:18:21.275 D] Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileUnknownAttributeException: XML Error: Unknown attribute "Entry" (Input: "Entry="204431"") in "Mailbox"! Valid attributes are: NavType, X, Y, Z - On line 38 в Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Mailbox..ctor(XElement element) thats a profile issue
Tony is right its a profile issue. You used it half a year with HB2. We have HB3 now which does things different meaning the profile authors need to update their profiles to work with HB3.