I've noticed the bot will do low level quests that really aren't that beneficial to its current level such as doing level 24 quests at level 31.. Is there a way to make it automatically see when these quests are not beneficial and skip over them when possible for faster leveling?
"Note: If you start this *midway* (16+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile in notepad & 'find' ) If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and may also want to use this option"
It is leveling in northern stranglethorn which is a 25-30 area and the bot is level 34, makes zero sense.
If you did it right, the bot should go on here: Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs - Quest - World of Warcraft So doing green quests is intended. If you dont like it, change the checkpoints yourself.