Questing bot does not seem to recognize what quest its on or should be on. It just seems to grind mobs where it should be doing the quests or just opens and closes window for accepting quests. Has happened in 3 zones now, Storm Peaks, Hyjal & Deepholm. A lot of red text appears if you switch bots or change characters aswell. Are these known issues ?
clear your cache and let me know plz
Just cleared and it seems to be working better thank you, will test for a couple of days and see if I run into any more issues. Before 7.2 patch I was having an issue with HB telling me I had finished all quests when I hadn't, should that resolve that issue as well? And out of curiosity does this type of issue occur due to multiple characters running the same zones piling up in the cache ( in layman's terms )
Actually, my character just ran to a spot as is stuck waiting for an NPC to show a quest cursor, as was happening before. Just to be clear I followed the link instructions and deleted a Cache.db file, is that correct?
Another file, got to level 90 by dungeonbuddy, went to SW and started flying to Dun Morogh then over the great sea towards Hillsbrad, and then got stuck over Thondroril River in the easter plaguelands
Still doesnt work, in the past the bot got you there anyway. Went through the Dark Portal and the bot just kept trying to run back through it
I had to play through the initial WoD and first 15-20 minutes of Shadowmoon Valley, but it seemed to be running fine until after Velen sacrifices himself, HB was waiting for Yrel to spawn (which she had) but it was Vindicator Maraad you had to speak to. Then proceeded with the quest "The Righteous March"
clear one more time your cache while your char is in the right continent and gimme a fresh log file plz
The bot continued to run fine until nagrand where again it was waiting for a quest giver, who was there, but no quest to give. I grinded to level 100 now so not on that continent anymore does that matter? I tried to run it on a different character and was working for a time then again it stopped working. I can try run questing bot in broken isles or does it matter
I ran the bot on this new toon from level 25 and it ran more or less fine untill level 70. As I said earlier I am having issues start in Northrend then pretty much everywhere onwards. Any ideas?
Back at the start sometimes I had to do a quest or two for the bot to run, hyjal for example, it skipped the first 20 minutes or so of qs and went straight to wolfs run. For this bot no, I havnt been doing any qs manually. Its run fine now till Pandaria and skips Jade Forrest and wants to got straight to Valley of the four winds, even though its level 86 and im 85
Do any of the addons you have affect quests at all? Whether it be auto-turn in, quest frame modifications, etc? If so or if not, I'd suggest disabling all of the addons either way. Normally the bot won't logically skip quests unless something is telling it those quests are complete or unless something is messing with its methods of reading this data. Cache corruptions, or third-party stuff (addons, plugins, etc) would be the only things to do this.