Hello, I'm currently working on leveling my shaman from 100-110 using the questing profiles provided by honorbuddy team. I leveled my warlock using the same profiles and had little to no issues with it. Now using my shaman he is constantly getting stuck. I have to check on it all the time. I'm not sure what could possibly be different. Thanks here are some of the logs View attachment 1956 2016-10-14 16.53.txt View attachment 5076 2016-10-13 22.13.txt View attachment 5512 2016-10-14 19.13.txt
I recently got HB and my character is constantly getting killed or getting stuck I have to watch it 24/7 and in 12 hours of bot time he has got 2 levels? I could have been 110 doing it on my own by now with all the work I have to put into the bot.