I am currently using Azenius Project 1-70 and I am level 70. I was looking into Kickazz006's Questing profiles to continue from 70-85. If anyone has used them, do I have to remove all the Quest Behaviors given by Azenius Project and then add Kicks quest behaviors into the HB questbehaviors folder? If so, is there a way to quickly remove them a reset the HB profiles and such? I am new, Many questions. Heh.
You don't have to delete them. Just copy kicks behaviors in, and click to replace if it asks. Also make sure the Azenus plugin is turned off, and Kicks ItemForAuraQuesthelper is on. -Panda
yes its the same on Kick's set the plugin file is called "Shak questing" the public name is Azenius tho public override string Name { get { return "Azenius"; }
actually my goblin profile doesn't use any plugins - just behaviors as for the 70-80 profile is uses the itemforaura plugin cheers