Hey guys it's been a while since ive used hb and i luckily dodged the 6 month ban thingo. My question is with all the bans coming from bg buddy is it still semi safe to run questing? (kicks) Im thinking of quest boting like 2-5 hrs per day while monitoring it. let me do a ninja edit and express the fact that i understand that botting is NOT safe and never will be, but i used to run kicks like 12hrs a day and never been banned soo (SEMI SAFE?)
Running kicks questing mixed with dungeonbuddy on 2 accounts since friday. No problems! Just beware of the problematic dungeons and questing level ranges and avoid them
yeah there are bugs in different parts but as long as you keep a close watch it SHOULD be OK, some people are reporting being banned using it, i was suspended while using it but the only real way IMO that they can catch you while using it is by porting you somewhere/in a wall to see how your bot acts. I have caught GM's doing this to me twice and luckily was there to watch. I think that they did the same thing when I was suspended but can't be sure. Could be a few other things as well. if you've never been suspended then even if they do catch you it's a 72h suspension, but I have heard of people getting suspended multiple times for botting 4-7.. like once per year- year 1/2.
Just an update, currently doing about 1/2 lvl by hand then 1.5 with hb, maximum time spent botting is 2-3 hours all supervised. Still going strong and praying to jebus.
My two accounts going on 24/7 since Friday (2015-11-27). Still no issues at all. Also my first time doing this. Supervising them as much as I can. Running mainly Dungeonbuddy My goal is to get all classes to level 100 on both accounts and then fix up their Garrisons. Let's see how long they last
It's not truly 24/7 though, I shut them down during times when I can't monitor them too much. Like today I went to dinner for 3 hours, shut them down remotely after about 1.5 hours with my phone (VNC). One of them had gotten stuck and I couldn't be arsed to fix it via my phone, so shut them down for the remainder of the dinner and booted up again when I got home. My brother monitors them for me when I sleep My boyfriend also keeps an eye on them. One big happy family.
I've had farming bots running 24/7 for just about two weeks before they got a ban. You are allow to share your account with a single minor child residing in your household without breaking ToC so they know multiple people can play an account. A 24/7 Bot run can be suicide but only for long periods. sure you might raise an eyebrow. but no matter how long your online its all about you getting reported. if you dont get reported it will be quite a while before blizzard notices. ive been online for days straight without a bot using addons to beat the afk check, hunting the TLPD. Nothing was ever said. Can it get you banned? Sure but that's only because the longer you bot the better chance you have of getting reported solely due to the increase in the amount of players you interact with, not really the action of just being logging in doing things.
Coming from the Echo himself https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...0-time-02-24-cet-post2099017.html#post2099017 I've ran questing bots 1-100 litterately hundreds of times and have never been banned for it. Running without stopping (unless a bug stops it while I'm away) At the moment, I'm maxing every class out at 100, I'm about 8/11 of the way there, and they've been going non-stop 24/7 up until this ninja patch came along. DungeonBuddy is more risky, my friend setup a 5/5 accounts to run it (he doesn't normally bot at all) and they got banned at level 84. All except the healer for some reason. What makes it weird is they got banned while he wasn't botting. He gave them a rest 1day and at the end of the day they got banned. They were the $4.99 accounts, so that probably triggered the ban faster.
I don't think dungeonbuddy is that risky solo, but there are a few dungeons etc that are a bit buggy so if you know which 1's .. you can either avoid/watch it carefully during those times