Let's say I'm only going to use this honorbuddy bot for a good 2 weeks more and after that time period, I am done. I will not use it anymore. Will I get ban? I know it's really addicting to bot because its so convenient, but I feel that if I want to be really safe, I should just quit botting and just play legit from now on, which sucks =(. Let me know if I still have a chance of not being ban if I just quit botting right now even though I have used it already on my accounts.
You always have a chance of being banned. HB could be detected right now and whenever they decided to launch the next banwave your gone or you could be fine. No way to guess just have to be ready to lose your account if your going to bot.
You have to understand how much most wow players hate botters. There are losers who play this game 100+ hours a week and report everyone they see. They don't need some software to detect honorbuddy trust me. They have a legion of players who love reporting people.