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  • Question about guild bank safety

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by TexasBBQ, Apr 2, 2015.

    1. TexasBBQ

      TexasBBQ New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      I have a day 1 account I am not willing to lose. I will obviously never bot on this account nor from the same computer this account uses (maybe same IP though).

      This main account owns a guild. This guild has some friends / family in it.

      If I make a new bot account, pretend it is an old friend or new roomate, add it to this guild, and funnel some / all profit into guild bank, how much risk would that present to my main account? What if I did not touch any of the botting profit for a few months?

      I know the fresh bot account will likely eat a ban, but what about the old account / guild / guild bank? Any action from a lone operating bot dumping gold or mats into a "publicly" accessible guild bank?
    2. spacebear

      spacebear New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      If you aren't prepared to get banned, don't bot.
    3. TexasBBQ

      TexasBBQ New Member

      Apr 2, 2015
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      Anyone can be banned at anytime for anything in WoW.

      Back to the topic at hand please.
    4. Mordark

      Mordark Community Developer

      Mar 31, 2014
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      If you do get banned on an account that has never touched a bot appeal the ban and you should have your ban lifted. No guarantee.
      Keep in mind that if and when the bot does get banned there's a chance your guild will be stripped of all the gold and mats the said bot has accumulated.
      Few months nothing.
      Blizzard will have your IP, MAC address, log on and log off times, activity levels, messages, and will eventually put 2 and 2 together.
      If you want a truly safe profit maker you need an isolated PC running through a proxy.
      You'll likely end up the first suspect, but if it's isolated and spoofed then you shouldn't be in too much trouble.
    5. lestat03110

      lestat03110 New Member

      Apr 5, 2011
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      i have done the same thing not bot on my main account and have the other accounts dump the gold in the guild bank i have had bots banned and the guild bank was striped of the gold that the bots deposited but no actions to my main account my bots run on a separate computer but i and not tech inclined enough to know how to do all the crazy stuff like setting up separate IP's for all of them or running them through proxies i am sure that a little time on google i could learn how. but playing stupid with blizzard go's a long way if the accounts are separate different bnet and computers they have no why to prove that both accounts belong to you and if they ban your main account for the other one botting and they do a IP ban just tell them that the other account belongs to your brother that live with you and you had no clue what he was doing to make the gold that if they want to take it go for it but you did nothing wrong and should not be punished for it like i said play dumb with them i have had two bans over turned blaming it on addons

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