Here's what I have right now: 3 new accounts started, 1 with the initial $20 version of wow, and 2 others with the "Starter Edition" that caps out at 20. I'm going to be creating 2 more accounts here soon, but I want to figure this out first. Thank you in advanced for anyone that can help me out .
all RaF accounts have to be full Battlechest accounts (cataclysm). Starter editions are not enough. Battlechest (cataclysm) accounts can be bought for 4 Euro (5$). don't pay the regular 20$. Use this link to upgrade Starter Editions to regular battlechest accounts for 5$: EU: US: it works only with the first account on battlenet. Each and every starteraccount must have a seperate account.
I still don't have the icon and 2 of the accounts were upgraded, but I think that has to do with them literally JUST being upgraded, it says it can take up to 72 hours, :-(
You can recruit already active accounts as long as they are less than 30 days old. What I do is level them all up to 15, wait for the restrictions to be removed then send RAF invites. when you get the email, just copy the RAF key into the "upgrade this starter account" on account page and it will apply the RAF link. I do it like this: Acc1 sends invite to Acc2 and Acc3 Acc2 sends invite to Acc4 and Acc5 Acc3 sends to Acc 6 This way you only need to level Acc3, Acc4, Acc5, Acc6 to level 15 because you can grant Acc2 to level 15. Also when the dungeon group is at level 85 you can use Acc2 and Acc3 to grant Acc1 a full 85 so you end up with 6 farmers instead of 5. (you have to dungeon group with Acc2 through Acc6). (leveling to level 15 through kicks or cava, not multibox cause the raf will be broken on these 4)
You have to wait till lvl 15? Well damn... I did not know that... that is probably exactly why I couldn't figure this out, only 2 lvls away so I'll know then if that was the problem for sure.
No I'm talking about being level 15 to start using dungeon finder, RAF benefits start from level 1 I'm guessing your RAF isnt working because of the starter restrictions on the other accounts because the way you have it linked should be working (providing you are in the same party and within 3? i think levels of each other and 100yd range)
Wait... what?... Right now my problem is that I don't have the RAF option on either account that I recently acquired. The toons are brand new, not even lvl 15 yet, I have 2 battlechest accounts and 1 starter edition account botting right now, and I have no clue how to do any sort of RAF with them, there is no option right now for it. The only thing I can think is where it said on the RAF page that if you recently upgraded yourself them it might take up to 72 hours for the button to appear, it's the only thing I can think of at this point, unless anyone else has any ideas. Anyways, thanks for the help so far guys
Yes, the button to send RAF invites will not appear until UP TO 72hrs, this is the case when you buy wow digitally. If you add a physical card key it wont have the restriction. When the button appears on your main account then just fire off 4 other invites to the other accounts (no need to use the button on the other accs), go to email and apply the keys. party up, be within 3 levels of each other and 100yds and then the xp will automatically be 300%
Okay, so another question, once the button pops up on my First toon, will I be able to send RAFS to # 2, 3, 4, &5 immediately? And if so, what exactly does the RAF function do? Thank you a ton btw for answering my question and putting my mind at ease, appreciate it bud.
Yes once the button becomes available you can send the links right away. The RAF feature only grants you 300% xp and the other benefits you can read on the wow raf page. It will not upgrade accounts to full battlechest, you must still do that by purchasing it