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  • Question about VM's

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Kooed, Nov 21, 2016.

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    1. Kooed

      Kooed New Member

      Feb 23, 2015
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      So i was using a dedicated host server for 60 bucks a month but when the account gets banned they know my ip and i really shouldnt make another account under the same ip.... my question is, if i use a VM on my main computer such as VMWare where my personal WoW account is.... if say my bot account on the VM machine gets banned, will it have the same ip as my personal account? I really cant afford getting my personal account banned anymore lol... thanks
    2. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      If it has the same ip like the host depends on how you configure your VMWare.
      In general botting in a virtual machine is not supported by us.
    3. Duplo32

      Duplo32 New Member

      Nov 22, 2016
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      There are a few things to note.
      Blizzard will ban account from the same IP address only if botting occurs on that ip address.

      (Example) my first time i started botting i had 3 computers running wow and my main computer i used . my account was under my name. the other 3 were other name and email addresses they botted the whole day i was at work. i played here and there but since there was confirmed botting on my IP address at the same time so frequent they decided to ban my vanilla account that never botted . it never used to the 32 bit client infact it used a mac client most of the time (Which there are not many bots for these especially honor buddy)

      Running wow in a VM is a bit difficult you will need a PC that can pass off grfx card power this requires a pretty powerfull pc with hyper threading and graphix card to spare. VMware tools also affects some of the methods that the BOT injects windows API or keystroke portion of the routine I would recomend against it unless your going to pass off a USB wireless card to the VM and use a seperate wireless AP or a vpn just for the vm.

      your local ip address blizzard does not care about your or what ever your local one is. its your world facing ip address the one that if you google . what is my ip address on google thats the one that matters . but the program warden grabs several things from your computer and settings anyway so you will need to do a OOB experiance on windows . delete your WTF folder. or fresh install wow client. change username . change mac address on NIC

      also change your BSSID on your wifi . and to get your ISP to change your real world ip address try shutting if off for about 5ish min and restarting this should get a new DHCP release and get your a new IP for the WAN port on your router. if this does not work go into your WIFI router setting and go to options and change the last 4 of your MAC address this will cause the system to give you new ip address .

      most home service does not allow for static or multi addresses service. so i would try plugging a switch into your external internet connection then plug in two routers they should get seperate ip addresses just change the mac address of your botting router time to time. and you will get a new ip address .

      If you use a proxy blizzard will know about it an new ip address each play is a red flag. also them ip addresses are static to the proxy provider so other people could have done who knows what on the ip addresses in the past.

      Hope this helps if you have questions on how to do any of this PM me or google it.

    4. Tawm

      Tawm New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Not answering your question, but in the last 2 banwaves I've lost 2 accounts in each wave that I had running in a VM with my main on the host PC (same IP) and my main hasn't been banned.
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