I was a botter but after the first ban wave once i was unbanned i went clean I want to get back into botting but do not want to risk my main account again so this will be a secondary account here are my questions about botting right now. 1.) As a previous botter am I labeled more suspicious to bot again and watched more than those not caught? 2.) How often do botters get banned now? It doesnt seem like it happens often or at all but I wouldnt know as I just started getting back into this after seeing bots and I want those gold heroes. 3.) Is it safe to bot 24/7? back before the ban I ran the bot for 3 months straight and got 7/9 gold heroes then the ban came in and it all got wiped away. I wouldnt be able to control the time I bot that well I would just want to leave it on all the time but if this can not be done i will probably just do it for a few hours a day. 4.) how long does it take to get the 500 wins? if the bot has a farm at rank 20/19 option (I assume it does) how long does it usually take to get gold heroes? I have enough cards (if I decide to bot on my main and it seems safe after doing the secondary account test) and wont need to farm gold but if possible I would like to get all my gold heroes on my main but of course I need to test secondary first. Thank you for reading and hopefully answering my questions sorry if things dont line up english is a second language to me.
1) I'm not sure if your IP gets traced, but I doubt it. New account = fresh start (from what I've seen) 2) Look at the ban section of the forums. Hopefully there isn't another ban "wave" but it seems pretty uncommon right now to get banned. 3) It's never "safe" to bot 24/7. I'd suggest leaving it on overnight, or during the day if you have work. No human can play 24 hours a day every single day, so it's a major red flag. 4) If you leave it on overnight, you can normally get around 45 wins. 11-12 days of botting overnight could get you a golden portrait. However, there are occasions where the bot crashes, so I'd say it's more like 14-16 days. By the way, this is if you use the "keep ranked MMR" option (staying at rank 20)
I understood that but it seems safe with you guys as long as I dont bot stupid and I want to bot I just want to know how I should maintain it to keep me safe.
I have been botting for 3 months straight with no problems, I only play for the 30 wins a day, and then stop.
Already have them, and with well over 13000 total wins, I have no desire to bot more than the 30 wins per day. If you plan on farming portraits, I suggest you only bot max 6-8 hours a day.
Ok sorry for repeating my question but this is something to be cautious about how do you bot yourself? Like what did you do when you wanted all gold heroes?