Need to level a toon to 80 asap for crafting. Horde side. Cant be a DK as I already have one so I dont have herilooms or anything. I was thinking of hunter, what u think? what cc should I use? thanks!
Any class that has twink/heirloom gear. You can send heirlooms cross faction too (so from alliance to horde) on the same realm. Paladin's are pretty good for leveling... Plate for less damage incoming, and can self heal.
lord I cant use herilooms I cant use twink gear. I am a botter i dont have guild reputation, its a new server
Hunter/Warlock has always been the fastest, I personally think Hunter since I'm leveling several now.
when should I buy gear to the hunter in the ah? any tips? Also, in the autoequip addon, I selected weapon to ranged and selected only bows, is this ok? what about the offhand?
Don't buy gear at all, just get it from the quest rewards and mob drops. If you are using a bow, you don't have an off hand, they're two handed. My tips for Hunters, learn how to tame pets and how the class works. I have a 90 hunter and haven't a clue how to play it manually. He has two pets that were obtained when he started out, again, I don't know how to tame pets Actually I can't play my Pally either, not a clue. Wish I'd learned them a bit as they were leveling, now I cba.
Palidan's DPS is much to low imo for fast leveling. i've leveled over 200 chaaracters and a palidan takes 1-2 days long in a 1-90 then most other classes.
and auto equip problem is some offhand items it may want to equip still so usually when I see the bot trying to do this even thought it cant I delete the item while its still running.
A plate wearing character slow? You must be joking. Paladins and Death Knights are by far the fastest. Retribution Paladin is most likely one of the fastest and a Blood DK would have the least downtime of any class while still doing sufficient damage to single targets. I think DK is the fastest personally. Range seems like it got stuck a lot when I leveled with one due to not in LoS.