I have a question about RaF. Let's say I make a new account (different Battle.net) yet same name etc. To perhaps later move toons over to my main account. And let's say I RaF that account. I have some toons on my "placeholder" account aka my time killing account which I level characters up manually atm. Which I made after the banwave. I have a new battlechest key lying around that I bought a year ago during sale on the WoW store. If I use that and I RaF it. Will I be able to grant my toons levels? Since I have a level 84 Shaman now, which I want to get to 100. But RaF goes to 90 nowdays right? Sorry for the confusing story.
From WoW RaF.... Players must be within 100yds of each other, must be within 4 lvls of each other, and cannot be above lvl 85...
RAF goes to 85 and you can only grant levels that were earned while the accounts were linked and leveling together.
Transfering toons to your main account will only work if you make a new account on the same B.net. While using RaF you can only grant levels to the person who offered you the RaF invitation. He/she cannot grant you any level. You will also NOT get the RaF mount. Only person inviting you will. And RaF only works till you're 85. Cheers
No, You can transfer toons across battle.net accounts as long as they have the same last name.. I did it not 30mins ago.
Nah, they dont have to be leveling together. You can just bot up a few characters on a raf account then grant the levels over, ive done it loads of time. This year when the xp hack was out also, i just used it on raf accounts and granted them to my main account with no risk.
I have a question, let´s say the RAF account got banned and I granted levels to my non botted main account, is it possible the main account got banned too?