Trying to group my RAF toons in party bot / grind bot mode and it will not start up. I followed the guide to the letter. Can someone have a look at my log plz? View attachment 1-7-2012_9_54 PM 6100 Log.txt
post here both of your logs(leader and slave)
View attachment 1-8-2012_12_05 AM 2228 Log.txt View attachment 1-8-2012_12_04 AM 4064 Log.txt here they both are. i have followed the guide. im sure its something im doing wrong most likely.
Ive done that Tony. Thx for your though it still will not work. Did you happen to see anything else in the logs
View attachment 1-9-2012_1_55 AM 2116 Log.txt View attachment 1-9-2012_1_51 AM 2692 Log.txt Guys, I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with this all day and can not for the life of me. If anyone can please help me out that would be awesome.
Sounds like a User Error. Why don't you try making a Whole new HB folder with a fresh install of the whole thing and using it on BOTH TOONS...Out of the SAME Folder.
Easiest way that I have found to do this is start all of your WoW situations. Then one at a time, start HB. Your first HB program that you start should be connected to your leader WOW. Go through and make sure that your leader is all setup (to include the "Leader" plugin) so that all you have to do is hit the Start button on HB. Then, start the HB's for each of your RAF accounts and set them up. What I noticed is that if you start them out of order, they don't seem to see the leader correctly.
I had same problem before and I found out that both of the toon are not in the same range of grind profile. I use Kick's grind profile, and make sure they are both in the same area range to get started.