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  • [PAID] Raid Studio: Blackwing Descent

    Discussion in 'Neutral' started by Studio60, Oct 17, 2015.

    1. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      All your Blackwing Descent Needs fulfilled!

      • Supports all raid modes: 10-Man and 25-Man both normal and heroic
      • Each boss kill on 25-Man Heroic gets you about 125 gold in addition to item loot
      • Loots Transmogrification Gear including parts of the (including parts of the T-11 gear set)
      • Works with HBRelog (farm your heart out)
      • Can be restarted from each boss encounter in case of disconnects etc.
      Important Notice about Cataclysm raid profiles

      Cataclysm raids vary greatly in their difficulty. Not all classes can clear all raids and especially classes without self-healing capabilities will have a tough time in some of them. I also did not put my typical "100% AFK" disclaimer on the Cataclysm products, because weak characters will die in certain places and you should be there to either help that character out or switch to a more suitable character. Most classes will be good once they have Tanaan gear (item level 650+). Some classes can do it easily with worse gear and some classes will be unable to do it with even better gear.

      Please watch each of your characters at least during the first run to see if everything goes smoothly. AFK-Botting is always a risk. Please also note that I intend to maintain my profiles during the Legion expansion. At level 110 these raids should be a lot easier for you to bot and by then the cataclysm profiles will be even more viable and more classes will be able to easily finish them. If you refund, because some of your characters can't beat a certain raid, you will also not be able to repurchase this profile once Legion is out and your characters could do it more easily.

      Custom Raid and Loot Configuration

      • Uses the free Studio Companion plugin to give you an amazing profile experience
      • Picks the shortest travel route to the raid by considering over 150 possible travel options tailored to your character
      • Comes with a startup loot configuration depending on your class and professions
      • Lets you decide for each individual item what you want to do with it
      • Lets you disenchant/destroy items while in the dungeon to save inventory space
      • Lets you put items on a watch list and notifies you with a fanfare when it drops
      • Displays item tooltips and offers Wowhead links for all raid loot
      • Provides custom options for the raid


      Additional Information

      • The Maloriak encounter is a DPS race starting when he reaches 25% hitpoints. If you can't kill him fast enough at that point, you will die.
      • These profiles are restricted to characters on level 100
      • Some classes will have more trouble than others. Selfheals for example can be an important factor on some fights
        (Mages for example just have a tough time when soloing challenging raids).

      • Use the QuestBot, because ... well these profiles need it. :)
      • Have enough free bag space. There is a lot of loot waiting for you.
      • My products are developed using the standard Singular Combat Routine. Using other combat routines might cause issues.

      Thread Management Rules

      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

      Anything else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted.

      Examples include, but are not limited to:

      • Price discussions
      • Comparisons to other products
      • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable
        for immediate corrective action by the author
      • Theory crafting
      • General chit-chat

      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    2. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Why does the bot not use normal combat behavior during the the Nefarian encounter?

      The Nefarian encounter takes place on a giant elevator. That fact leads to Honorbuddy not being able to use normal navigation and/or targeting. Combat routines often think that neither Nefarian nor Onyxia are within line of sight simply because they are standing on this elevator and Honorbuddy is not equipped to handle that. Since there is a very, very slim chance of ever getting a fix for this issue I had to get creative. I wrote a simple custom targeting and movement system and a very simple custom combat routine. It may look weird, it may not be optimal DPS, but it should be enough to beat the encounter.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    3. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Upcoming Release
      Waiting for approval
      - Added optional use of Draenic Agility/Intellect/Strength Potions (Default: Active)
      - Removed unnecessary log messages
      - Pet classes no longer accidentally pull the boss before they get the buff from Finkle Einhorn
      - Hunter (Beastmastery): Moved Kill Command down in the spell priority, because pet movement issues caused it to block the use of other spells
      - Release
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    4. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151107.1 has been submitted and is now awaiting approval.

      - Release
    5. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      [SIZE=+1]Even though the bundle is now available on the store and contains all raids, the release of this individual product has been postponed until further notice. [/SIZE]

      Bossland is currently revising certain store rules. Until that process is complete, I am only able to offer the bundle. I am sorry for the inconvenience this brings to everyone who was planning on going for some of the individual products. You can either wait and hope that everything works out or just get the bundle now. This is sadly out of my hands. And yes, there is a slim chance that I won't be able to offer these products individually. We will have to wait and see.
      Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    6. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151107.1 has been approved and is now live on the store.

      - Release
    7. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151120.1 has been submitted and is now awaiting approval.

      - Removed unnecessary log messages
      - Pet classes no longer accidentally pull the boss before they get the buff from Finkle Einhorn
      - Hunter (Beastmastery): Moved Kill Command down in the spell priority, because pet movement issues caused it to block the use of other spells
    8. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151120.1 has been approved and is now live on the store.

      - Removed unnecessary log messages
      - Pet classes no longer accidentally pull the boss before they get the buff from Finkle Einhorn
      - Hunter (Beastmastery): Moved Kill Command down in the spell priority, because pet movement issues caused it to block the use of other spells
    9. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151122.1 has been submitted and is now awaiting approval.

      - Added optional use of Draenic Agility/Intellect/Strength Potions (Default: Active)
    10. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.151122.1 has been submitted and is now live on the store.

      - Added optional use of Draenic Agility/Intellect/Strength Potions (Default: Active)
    11. D3Boi

      D3Boi New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      Bot gets stuck flying to BWD..right on the cliff when coming from SW..
      bot also stops working and heres what it reports in HB window
      Fix please...it worked so good for me during the trial period now its horrible..I cant even bot one character a day when I did 4 in one day during my trial
      Bot also keeps mounting in air and dismounting on groud, like it gets stuck on a tree in ironforge flying to BOT and just does this never ending loop
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
    12. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      The flight problem is an Honorbuddy issue that has just been fixed. You have to update to the latest Honorbuddy version (Honorbuddy v2.5.14863.814).

      The problem with the Studio Planner I addressed in my answer to your other post with the same question. I am sorry that this causes issues. I just released a major update to the plugin and a few hiccups are just bound to happen when you have products with thousands of lines of code.
    13. D3Boi

      D3Boi New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      Great news! Thanks :D
    14. EdwinOnline

      EdwinOnline Banned

      Jun 25, 2015
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      i consistently need to engage combat myself on my rogue on this encounter: magmaw.
      Pull Target Magmaw.2356 out of range/line of sight for 20.0 seconds, blacklisting for 00:04:00 and clearing BotPoi

      See attached log, i stopped the bot, engaged combat and restarted the bot and then it moves on. View attachment 6928 2016-04-10 10.25.txt
    15. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      I have this on my fix list. It happens, because HB does not like to target NPCs in melee combat that don't stand on solid ground. I will provide a fix soon.
    16. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      Hey there Studio60! I've been trying out your cataclysm profiles before I decide to buy them, everything seems great so far except the fact that Singular's DPS is well... really bad. I'm on an il655 monk and so far I've killed mostly everything - I just wish I could use Tuanha's routine instead.
      I've tried it and it works on most bosses but something seems slightly off. For instance on Beth'tilac 25h tuanha doesn't move and click on the rope to go up and DPS boss - singular does, however, it doesn't do enough DPS to kill the boss before she comes down.
      So I'm stuck either using tuanha which can DPS enough to kill or use singular that will actually go up but not have enough damage.

      My question to you is - why does your profile do that? I've turned off movement in tuanha and the character moves around (assuming your profile controls movement) it just won't do some things that singular will. This is one of the only things holding me back from using this to farm gold.

      If there is way to fix this issue that you might be able to help me with or tell me of a way to possibly get singular to be a little better you have another sale!
    17. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      This is going to be a bit technical: Each combat routine should honor something called capability flags. It basically gives profile developers a way to enable and disable certain combat routine features when needed. Many of my profiles have to make extensive use of this due to boss mechanics and HB limitations. Sad thing is though that most combat routines available don't honor these flags the way they should. Even Singular has flaws when it comes to this. Take for example a boss that casts a specific spell that I don't want to be interrupted. I could turn off "Interrupting" and skills like Counterspell and Kick should not be used. Most combat routines don't care and do it anyway. That breaks the strategy for the encounter.

      I tried talking to TuanHa a while ago and asked him for keys to his routines, so I could help pointing out these bugs in his routines. I wanted to help him get them in shape so I could slap a "works with TuanHa" label on my routines. This would benefit everyone as my raids would become easier to clear and the popularity of his CR would be increased. You guys would get better products from two good developers on the store. His response was that I should buy his products on the store. And that is not something I am willing to do. It is as simple as that.

      I will release my own combat routines and embed them into Studio Companion so that my profiles can use those. But with 7.0 being released in July, it does not make sense to implement all rotations for 11 classes into CRs that would probably only be good for a couple weeks until all those class changes that come with legion go live. I would have to do twice the work. That is why I decided to create the base framework for my CRs and fill them up with suitable Legion rotations once I get access to the Alpha/Beta. Until then we are sadly stuck with Singular. And trust me, I am not a fan of this CR, because it does not get enough development time.
    18. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      That is unfortunate and I wish that he would be willing to give you a few spare free keys. Overall it would increase sales in my opinion, and show good faith to the botting community.I find that to be one of the biggest setbacks to many profiles and HB all around is that not many are willing to collaborate on anything big.

      If just three or four of the biggest devs would come together on some projects one can only imagine what we could do with HB. But to each their own I guess, I definitely understand why you wouldn't be willing to buy them, though.

      I think I may have found a temp solution with Singular - by using the sim craft singular. I tested it out and it's not perfect but my DPS went up a lot. Tomorrow when the raids reset I'll test to see if it's a good temp fix or not. I'm actually extremely excited to hear that you're working on your own crs because Singular is the only bad thing about farming old raids and your profiles, in general, are amazing aside from again singular (esp on heroic). I look forward to buying your own crs, I'm just seeing dollar signs right now with how much gold I can make once that is a thing.

      Now I just hope Blizzard doesn't nerf the gold drops in Cata raids and I'll be set. Of course, by then I'm sure we can farm Panda stuff so no big deal. Thanks for the detailed explanation of why Tuanha was doing things that Singular wasn't and letting me know you're working on a permanent solution!
      Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    19. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      My current plan is to offer two versions of the CR. One that is baked into Studio Companion and comes for free to work with all my Studio60 products and one that is available on the store, which would then work with all other profiles. So if you only want to use it with my work, you can then even do this without any extra cost. And it is almost the last big hurdle I need to take to not rely on other people's work. Although I have to admit that I am still considering creating my own quest bot with networking support for true RAF questing and group dungeon running, but that is a bit more down the road. Only can do so much and right now I intend to revolutionize how people bot pet battles. :)
    20. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      If they're questing friendly I might buy them, the monk /dk at the very least as I level a lot - I'd be extremely interested in a new quest bot with RAF support as well. Our current questing system isn't that bad but it's incredibly slow. if I could pick up two cheap wow copies and RAF to near max level in 80% less time I'm all down for that ;)

      The last time anyone has tried to re-do anything about our questing system was Akatosh which was promising but the developer stopped so. :( HB development has been rather stagnant aside from one or two things.
      I look forward to seeing more of your work, for now, you've sold me on your Cataclysm profiles even though Singular makes me babysit it a little bit - it's still worth it. Thank you for the hard work you put into them!

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