Ravenhold Reputation with Heavy Junkboxes for Cata ok here is my first profile and it need some testers! the idea is to farm Heavy Junkbox - Item - World of Warcraft from the Nethergarde miners/engineers/foreman. the entrances of the mine is located west of the Nethergarde Keep. the mine is same model as the one at Netherwing (Shadowmoon Valley Outlands) and its full of humanoids at lvl 55-56. the drops rates its almost the double from the other spot (i hand pickpocket the mobs and at the same time was running the bot with Klovnene profile on other rogue at Dreadmaul/Altar spot). the other spot have a profile from Klovnene and you can find it here Klovnene's guide to "the insane".
A Rogue (which is actually quite mandatory), at least level 67. The higher the level, the less chance of having to fight anything (which will slow down gathering junkboxes). Glyph of Pick Pocket Highly recommended to increase the distance you can be from a mob - further reducing the chance of being noticed. Glyph of Pick Lock to reduce cooldown time on [Pick Lock] if you want to loot the junk boxes. Glyph of Sprint can be useful to have. Talent wise Fleet Footed, Endurance, Master of Deception, Camouflage, Elusiveness and Preparation are all very good to have. These talents either increase your movement speed, reducing downtime between group of humanoids, increase the usefulness of Sprint and allow the repeated use of Vanish if things go wrong. A level 67 rogue can have all these talents. As much empty inventory space as possible. Unless you have access to your bank or a mailbox, you can only collect as many junk boxes as you can carry. Likewise, you can only turn in as many sets of 5 Junkboxes as you can carry.
I'm getting an error while trying to start your profile. This is the message i get while on a rogue lvl 85: "This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!" Here's the Debug Log: Code: [08:45:21:605] Using wow with process id: 2992 [08:45:21:605] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0 [08:45:21:605] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\HB\Honorbuddy.exe [08:45:21:620] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes [08:45:21:620] UseExperimentalPathFollowing: False [08:45:21:620] KillBetweenHotspots: False [08:45:21:620] LogoutForInactivity: True [08:45:21:620] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10 [08:45:21:620] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [08:45:21:620] UseExperimentalStuckHandler: True [08:45:21:620] FormLocationX: 20 [08:45:21:620] FormLocationY: 20 [08:45:21:620] SelectedBotIndex: 6 [08:45:21:620] UseFlightPaths: False [08:45:21:620] FindMountAutomatically: True [08:45:21:620] UseRandomMount: True [08:45:21:620] FoodName: Food Name Here [08:45:21:620] DrinkName: Drink Name Here [08:45:21:620] MountName: Mount Name Here [08:45:21:620] LootMobs: False [08:45:21:620] SkinMobs: False [08:45:21:620] NinjaSkin: False [08:45:21:620] LootChests: False [08:45:21:620] HarvestMinerals: False [08:45:21:620] HarvestHerbs: False [08:45:21:620] UseMount: False [08:45:21:620] PullDistance: 30 [08:45:21:620] LootRadius: 45 [08:45:21:620] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [08:45:21:620] TrainNewSkills: False [08:45:21:620] LearnFlightPaths: True [08:45:21:620] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [08:45:21:620] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [08:45:21:620] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\Revenhold Junkboxes in Nethergarde Mine - Blasted Lands (horde).xml [08:45:21:620] MountDistance: 75 [08:45:21:638] Activity: Loading memory management & tables [08:45:21:661] Activity: Loading Spells [08:45:21:694] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager [08:45:21:714] Activity: Initializing Plugins [08:45:21:719] [08:45:22:679] Activity: Initializing Navigator [08:45:22:679] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager [08:45:22:683] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds [08:45:22:706] Activity: Initializing Routines [08:45:22:716] Compiling C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\Shadowstrike4 [08:45:23:134] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths [08:45:35:47] Start/Stop button pressed. [08:45:35:205] Cleared POI [08:45:54:879] Stop called! [08:45:54:923] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal() at System.Threading.Thread.Abort() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Stop() at Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProfileManager.get_CurrentProfile() at Styx.Logic.AreaManagement.AreaManager.get_CurrentGrindArea() at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse() [08:45:54:925] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse() at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.() [08:45:54:926] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
Read the topic name "Ravenhold Reputation with Junkboxes for Cata" You'll get rep with Ravenhold (Used for the insane title)!
Well... It's realy hard to just go to http://www.wowhead.com and search... but if your that lazy, Heavy Junkbox - Item - World of Warcraft There you go! But I think if you want the rep, you cant loot (lockpick) the boxes? Not for sure thought! EDIT: "When you are doing this quest, unlock the junkbox and loot the stuff but leave the cheapest loot behind. This way, you get some of the coin/loot, but you also have the junkbox to turn in." Comment from Wowhead http://www.wowhead.com/quest=8249.
Yup, im angry atm, but you made me lol'd! There are 7 diffrent kinds of junkboxes (Junkbox - Wowhead Search), but in this profile you'll get the heavy one.
Thanks Tony. Working perfect Sadly, the spot is very slow on boxes and it might be faster if i do it by hand at BRS lol
well going to try this again today since i'm going to make one mroe insane chara! i think its working like normal. i use Default Rogue.
Have been testing for a few days now . . . . It kinda works but it offen just kills the mob or walk around - im using FPSware for rogues (0.1.6) and have enabled "always pickpocket" Can you make it so it just pickpockets and doesnt kill anything ?
Hello I'm also looking for a solution to pickpocket my junkboxs. I know it was possible with wired's CC, but this one is not available in archives anymore. Any informations? Please don't come and say "use pickpocket only on fpsware's one", its not working, thanks anyway.
I finally got it to work but only by using a fresh svn install and not the zip on fpsware front page, also theres 3 things that need to be set, pull to stealth on front of CC, pickpocket to always on front, and pickpocket only on 2nd page. its working right now as i speak