Hey everyone. So lately I have been getting a lot of 90k errors which is obviously kicking me from game. I'm just curious if we can get a feature added to autolog us back in and resume the bot. I know of other bots which have used this feature in the past and it works well assuming you give the bot your login info etc. Obviously this would need to be optional. Anyone else feel like this would be a nice feature? Maybe if enough people show interest then mash may work something up for us
I don't always get completely kicked out of the game so needing full log in info may not be necessary. Not to mention I use two step so it wouldn't do me any good either. Just having the bot cycle you back into the game would be awesome enough for me. Maybe just a dialog box asking what your character name is (or even position number on the character selection screen) would be best.
Yeah, this is pretty much a must for FFXIV, I really think masthag should implement this. I've left RB doing tasks overnight only to wake up the next day to see I got dc'ed an hour or two later and ended up doing close to nothing. I end up having to resort to other bots that do have this feature because the whole point of botting is to be able to go afk without having to babysit it all the time
Yeah, most 90k's seem to just kick you back to the main screen. If it would be possible for RB to login back to the correct character from this point, it would be a huge quality of life increase for times where you would get disconnected.