Hi, i play ffxiv with a xbox360 controller on PC, i'm interested by Rebornbuddy, can i use combat routines with a controller or do i have to switch to keyboard+mouse ? thanks.
There shouldn't be any issues using a controller over using a KB/M. The bot uses all spell IDs for it's casting for everything which should not change just from the layout. I can test it for you here after this goofy fate pops. You are talking about using it in "controller mode" yes? EDIT: Works great. Thank you for find finding me a way to be even lazier.
I use a controller normally and RB works fine with it. I haven't ran into a single issue due to my controller. However, if you do try to move the camera or something on a certain camera mode, your character might walk backwards n stuff. Not sure if anyone else can see that. Then again, you can also do that with a mouse.
I never had a single problem with reborn buddy, i'm using a windows controller though (although they are the same as the xbox 360 controller) Even used it for raids, etc, just walk up to your enemy and let the bot handle the rest, as long as you are in a striking distance. another bot i've tried if you are using controller input would cause your character to walk backwards.