Is there any way to control the rotation of my blackmage lvl 38? It also uses lvl 1 or 2 blizzard and fire for some reason; can that also be changed?
Check out combat routines in this forum. There are basically only two profiles that are updated and good to use - Kupo which is bundled with Rebornbuddy by default, and Magitek by Exmortem. Magitek definitely has more customization (and maybe better rotations too) and can be found here.
The information that you provided me is already something that I know. I did read up on how to use Rebornbuddy, but there are no specific instructions (that I could find) about changing rotation of a class and making the program use higher level skills (could not find a forum thread or post). Thanks for the helpful tips, but back to my original question thanks!
In that case you will need to make your own combat routine. There are no specific instructions on how to do so, but you can look at the source code for each of the two main combat routines and modify them if you want. Other than that there's no way to do what you want as far as I know.