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  • Recognizing the board and synergies?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by playerOne, Jan 7, 2015.

    1. playerOne

      playerOne New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      I want to give a suggestion for the next thing to be worked on. One thing that I think that could be improved is recognizing the board. For example, whether a mech is on the field before the bot plays Tinkertown Technician or Goblin Blastmage. I noticed some games where I would have a Harvest Golem and Tinkertown Technician on turn 2. The bot would use the coin and then play Tinkertown Technician instead of Harvest Golem. Or it would play Goblin Blastmage instead of a Mechanical Yeti.

      Also, the bot is pretty bad at recognizing uses for Dark Bomb and Flamecannon. I guess that's because they're new GvG cards but looking at games that I've won and lost with decks that include Dark Bomb and Flamecannon, the bot would always have both of them in its hand, even when the game almost went to fatigue.

      Also, one last thing that I noticed the bot doesn't do is the Frostbolt combo. You can technically milk out 5 damage out of a Frostbolt by hitting it with a Frostbolt and hitting it with 2 Fireblasts. However, the bot doesn't realize that and runs a minion into the target, even when the game is in a topdecking stage and there is plenty of mana left over.

      The bot works really well other than these 3 points, and if these were implemented/fixed, the bot would be perfect. Just my $.02.

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