Hello I have 5 Gather ACC bots, i have a questions: - 2 gatherers PJS for every acc reduce ban risk? - Mail ores to alter BANK or deposit in level 1 gather guild. Whats its more safe? (25 guilds have persks for more ores and fast mount) - Mining 2 hours and 10 min break,before break 1 hour... total mining hours only 11-12 its safe?? Pliss tell me more tips and update the reduce ban OFFICIAL threads, cata and pandaria its very diferent... Thank buddys sorry for bad english im from colombia!
Bot them on shifts, so u dont have 5 botters on same computer in the same time running. Dont bot for 11 hours daily if you are targeting botting for at least an month. If you want to bot 5-6months + per account then lower it to less than 6 hours daily. Randomize bot account activities, beside the gatherbotting of course - use Dungeonbuddy for LFR and Scenarios, etc. Go tag some world boss by hand from time to time. That way you will have less chance to be flagged and autobanned Good luck!