Profiles Upload Page: GB is now an Installer -> run it and unpack the files into a folder, you can move them wherever you want after that, even in your old GB folder to keep the old settings. Goldseller Edition Will be released tomorrow - seems some features are missed Standard Edition ( It says Goldseller - but it is NOT ) ++Update++ Someone forgot to include the MailTO in the Goldseller Version. We will update it in around 10 hours, since now all are going to sleep. ++Update Final++ So i found what happened. I received 2 Versions: Goldseller and Standard, however it seems that the Goldseller is the Real fixed-Standard And the Standard was an standard from 10 hours before which included 2 big bugs, which we fixed. So all of you downloaded previously the Standard -> redownload it now even if it says "Goldseller" its the real standard. All of you downloaded the Goldseller -> it was the real Standard, so you have to wait till tomorrow for the real Goldseller, nn.
Woot ! Thanks a lot ! EDIT Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.
I like how i got the facebook message before the link was in the forums. Thanks for the quick update.
So is it not working on 64bit? If so I guess I'll just have to wait. Oh well I was planning on waiting a little bit to make sure it's safe anyways....
There is no log Tony, installer simply wont start. It says the installer is not compatible with my version of windows. Check if the application is a 32bit or 64 bit.