Greetings. Please help me. So such problem, all has made under the instruction, relloger starts wow, comes into the world, starts a bot, but can't make login in a bot. Here a status console: 14:57:39 Starting WoW/Bot's 14:57:39 Press F5 to stop the script 14:57:39 WoW Path: F:\Games\World of Warcraft v3.3.5 14:57:39 Server: 14:57:39 Character slot: 1 14:57:39 Account: mysubcult1 14:57:39 Starting WoW.. 14:57:39 Waiting 20 seconds before login 14:58:02 Waiting 15 seconds before enter world 14:58:17 Waiting 30 seconds before starting GB/HB 14:58:48 Bot path: F:\HonorBuddy3.3.5a\Honorbuddy.exe 14:58:48 Wait time after starting bot: 5 seconds 14:58:53 Trying to click Login.. 14:58:55 Check if connected to wow 14:58:56 Trying to click Start.. and nothing doing next
F:\HonorBuddy3.3.5a\Honorbuddy.exe ??? haha ur funny ur using a *****ed version of hb cuz old versions of hb dont work