It felt necessary to post it here after a live chat with a blizzard gm, maybe to help newbies such as myself or even get some advice regarding the issue. Me and my friends (which are not botters) experienced some connection stutter lately. The ms wouldn't go up but every 5-10 minutes or sometimes in crowded places more often, the game would seize most action for 3-5 seconds as if you'd dc'd. You could move around and jump but the npcs would just stare at you and you couldn't cast any spells and or load new npcs, you could fly inside buildings where flying is not allowed. The usual dc behavior. After the said 3-5 seconds the game would continue to perform normally. This is not what I wanted to share with you though since the GM himself said there is nothing wrong with my setup and that it might just be the servers overloading since we've experienced this on rather high populated realms. What I think is worth sharing and asking advice about is the GM's remark after checking my dxdiag and msinfo files. I wasn't dumb enough to save these while running honorbuddy nor am I a hardcore botter. I use it for 2 hours each day for garrison and I'm always in front of the pc while it does it thing. What I too noticed after reading the files myself was that I had some irrelevant Honorbuddy crashes logged in said files from earlier and he just warned me saying "everything seems to be fine ... however you seem to have a program called honorbuddy installed on your computer. " I said "Yes, but I don't use it or own the thing, my brother and I share this pc and he doesn't have access to my wow account.". The GM was either convinced or just didn't care enough to take action with such a loose evidence and just said "even just having these installed on your pc might end up with serious consequences concerning your account, just delete them and gamescannerservice (razer's program for settings etc) and maybe they help prevent further problems with performance". I like to think that his was an honest and subtle advice and my account wasn't flagged or something but I still feel kind of stupid for letting something so small even leave a little mark as a possible botter. Moral of the story is be careful with what you send to blizzard and in this case you can just check for logs for HB related entries using even the default windows notepad by opening the text files and simply searching "honorbuddy" (ctrl+f brings up the search window) and manually deleting said entries. I've ready that you can delete the windows logs and get some data with running wow without HB and then send it. I'm interested in any solid safety measures and I could really use some tips and assurance also hope this helps any other player that requires blizzard's assistance for however reason. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading this. TL;DR: If you have to send blizzard dxdiag and msinfo check for Honorbuddy related entries and delete them!