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  • Replacing Routine Help

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Keeper76, Apr 8, 2016.

    1. Keeper76

      Keeper76 Member

      Jun 10, 2013
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      So new to using Hearth Buddy but not using bots. I just know the basics when it comes to using Honor Buddy and I'm seeing everyone talk about changing routines in the default settings. I am wanting it take advantage of some of the ideas and work others are using but fear messing it all up in the default sections I'm to be replacing some of the copied files into. Do I replace the entire default with the copy and paste or am I supposed to just replace certain sections of it? And what is the difference in Rush mode and what not. And the mulligans...what is that about. Thanks in advance to anyone who wishes to help this ole' boy out.
    2. omgwtfdood

      omgwtfdood Member

      Aug 22, 2014
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      uh yeh you can copy and paste the whole routine as long as its an uptodate routine. Just be sure to make a copy of your default routine before making any changes to it so you can atleast revert to the default if you get a messed up routine. even if you do mess it it up so bad that the bot wont work you can just delete it and reinstall it to get the default settings n stuff.
      you can do certain sections of it if you know where they go and what to put in.. uh etcetera.. its not overly confusing pretty basic and simple really once you understand whats in the routine file. but as a novice it would probably be best to just copy and paste somebody elses entire routine to save yourself some headaches until you understand the routine file.
      unfortunately the hearthbuddy devs havent got around to enabling alot of the different settings options in the routine file so it doesnt matter if you change it stays the default during game play anyways.
      so as far as the rush mode goes it sucks/ doesnt work. it makes really bad plays. youll have higher win percentage with the default control setting unfortunately. some people say it works but i dont say that.
      a mulligan is the cards that the bot keeps or discards for its starting hand. mulligans are also located in the routine file. if you copy and pasting somebody elses routine it should have its own custom mulligan settings.
      however if you want to make your own custom mulligans its kinda time consuming and fairly difficult as a novice. but here is how to do it.
      you would uh under the mulligan section in the routine file put the cards ID number that you want to be mulliganed.
      you can find the cards id numbers inside your Hearthbuddy folder > Routines > Default Routine > Silverfish > data
      once inside the data folder there is a file called _carddb.txt open it and press ctrl and f together. Now you can search for cards. For example type "Ironbeak Owl" and press enter.
      The name "Ironbeak Owl" now should be highlighted anywhere in the text and two lines above it you find the CardID (in this case CS2_203), this is the ID you are looking for.
      Keeper76 likes this.
    3. Keeper76

      Keeper76 Member

      Jun 10, 2013
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      Thanks for taking the time out of your day to help me understand. +1 Rep.

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