Reputation for Bodyguard (Gorgrond A+H) Reputation for Bodyguard (Gorgrond Alliance + Horde) Starting anywhere in the Dreanor . Autostop bot to farm the maximum reputation. Automatically makes quests bodyguards all magic. Grind to mobs Stoneshard Grubling Farm reputation with bodyguards: Aeda Brightdawn Defender Illona Delvar Ironfist Leorajh Talonpriest Ishaal Tormmok Vivianne Instructions for running: 1. Start bot in quest bot in Dreanor zone. 2. The garrison select bodyguard with whom you want to pump reputation and select "Continue profile" If you run the profile without a bodyguard. 3. If selected and reputation bodyguard with him pumped, then the bot will farm reputation. Please add my reputation, I tried very hard to make a profile P.S.: If not clearly explained, then follow the prompts bot =)) and this my first profile is only tested for Alliance. P.S.S.: After moving to Draenor, the bot gets stuck. Solution: stop bot and run again. P.S.S.S.: If the quest is not pickup, please clear your cache bot and WoW. Code: Changelog: Bodyguard Rep v3.0: 1. Added quests to guard all the magic. Bodyguard Rep v2.1: 1. Deleted autonavigation to Draenor by [URL=""]Universal Navigation Snips[/URL]. 2. Сleaned code. Bodyguard Rep v2.0: 1. Added autonavigation to Draenor by [URL=""]Universal Navigation Snips[/URL]. 2. Added Auto-present bodyguard with you. 3. Stop bot to achieve maximum reputation with a bodyguard and teleportation to the garrison. 4. Notifications that you do not have a bodyguard and that the reputation of the maximum. Bodyguard Rep v1.0: 1. Endless farm mobs in Gorgrond.
Add new version 2.0 Add more automaticity. If I am understand how to write quests, then added automatically quests bodyguards.
I am testing a new version with pumping reputation and completing quests bot of bodyguards. quickly upload the profile.