Hello boys an girls, this is my first Profile I made. I copied "kicks free grindprofile" and tryed to make a COnsortium Rep farm Profile. This Profile is killing the ogers called "WARMAUL SHAMAN" and "WARMAUL REAVER" at Lauging Skull Ruins in Nagrand. The Profile is for Horde and Alliance. It also farms Mag'har reputation but this is only for horde. How can you get "The Consortium" Reputation? You get an item called "Obsidian Warbeads", if you got 10 of them you can give them to a vendor which give you 275 rep. The Vendor "Gezhe" is in the southwest of "Sunspring Post" in Nagrand. I appreciate every new idea to make this profile much more better. Greez Swaay aka Cybershoot