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  • [Req] Guild Exp Farm

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Kezzin, Sep 18, 2013.

    1. Kezzin

      Kezzin New Member

      Feb 4, 2010
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      Not sure if this is possible, but I'm not an HB Guru so I might as well ask!

      There's a quest out in Zul'Drak (Pa'Troll) that when accepted, opens up 4 sub-quests. Two of these quests (Creature Comforts & Something for the Pain) can be completed without even needing to leave flight form (druid). After completing these two sub-quests you can abandon Pa'Troll, accept it again, and redo the sub-quests.

      The whole process takes around 3 minutes to complete, and is a good way to farm guild exp as every quest completed (At the appropriate level) awards 60k exp to your guild.

      I was wondering if there was some way to make a profile that does this. Thanks!
    2. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Dailies provide the same.
      A level 90 character with prereqs to dailies (that require it) completed can complete approximately 20-30 dailies per day. x60k XP is ballpark to 1.5 million Guild XP. Not to mention valor, gold, possible drops.

      I Would recommend dailies over that :)
    3. Kezzin

      Kezzin New Member

      Feb 4, 2010
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      Every quest, regardless of the level, nets a guild 60k exp if it is green difficulty or better.

      I suppose the idea behind this method is that there is little to no traffic in this area and the quests don't require combat so they are completed extremely fast.

      Also, this can be farmed non-stop with no down time. Much faster than dailies, even by hand.
    4. Ragoza

      Ragoza New Member

      Aug 24, 2013
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      I'm a little late to this but your idea sounded good to me, Kezzin. I made up this quick profile and tested it out on a lvl 74 non-druid. I couldn't QUITE get it fast enough that I think it would be worth it to sit on farm mode forever to get the guild exp but maybe someone else could tweak it. It's farming those two quests and then resetting in about 6-6.5 mins. So you could probably keep doing this forever without many people noticing but it seems like it might be easier just building a new character and leveling that for the exp. Or doing dailies on a bunch of 90s as Brodie suggested. But I think if this was just a bit faster, it could potentially be worth it doing it this way.

      View attachment Guild Repeat.xml

      (For future coders, HB gets messed up once the quests have been completed already, even if they're reset. Hence the coding weirdness.)
      Last edited: Mar 29, 2014

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