Hiya. Sometimes the bot tries something that it cannot do. Can the logs show that? HS client gives a 'I can't do that'.. emote(?)/output when that happens. This could help troubleshooting. WIMM
Hi, I think that is because the bot is acting too fast. Sometimes he trys to attack minions that are just about to die and stuff like that. A little delay between actions would help a lot. Also currently he is trying to attack stealthed minions, but this is being worked on I believe. jotd
I do admit, I wish the entire bot had more in-depth logging, I've had multiple exceptions without very much log explaining what it was thinking, I'm use to programs dropping huge debug logs when requested (Sometimes becoming gigabytes in size in just a few hours), sure, I don't expect it to log like that 24/7, but, I would like an option, explaining literally everything it's doing, it's going to be a pain now to do, as, it wasn't developed with the logging implemented, so, to add it would require going back over all the code, which, is why I doubt it'll be fully implemented.