I would like a strong 88-90 Grind profile. I've been using on several toons the Jade Forest Elk grind and it works great and TONS of Motes of Harmony BUT, the XP drops so drastically because of the level of the mobs being 84-85. Something maybe in Dread Wastes or Towlong Steppes? Thanks
I currently have a 88 pally so survivabilty isn't a problem. I need to have something with repairs and vendors grays preferably so that's Kinda where I'm at. At 85 I was taking on the big mobs of deer in jade forest. 5 lvl 85s so any mob should work
TRy this one out and let me know sorry for delay my daughter decided she wanted to use My pc. try this and let me know if it is ok View attachment 88_90_grindbot_VOEB.xml