Game is released early march also with the option of early access if you preorder. Looks like a decent game to be honest
All but the RU client come with Xigncode enabled (including the heartbeat). This is one tough thing to get around. All clients require a driver from our end, and to top it all off, it is packed and obfuscated with Themida/WinLicense. I did a lot of research on BDO, but it is currently on the back burner for now. We have no immediate plans to make a bot for the game right now.
Any news here its been awhile since last Mod Post.. few other places working on a bot for it. but id definitely rather spend money here with this crew.... Tbh.
Been using HonorBuddy for years in WoW (RU region). Recently went to Black Desert (RU), REALLY hoping for bot to come out. Will defienetly buy it!
what about just disabling Xigncode with novirusthanks driver radar pro? Wouldn't that work?
BDO Buddy would be excellent. If not just starting basic as a fishing bot (one that doesn't take 3 minutes per round and can respond to the SPACE and key combinations whilst you are at your keyboard).
A *certain other paid bot site* has a bot, knowing them, it will be crummy and limited, but still better than nothing. And yeah, it requires Driver Radar PRO to bypass Xigncode.
Well, 'famous' bot webs like Viper already released bots from BD... @Apoc Still not in your future projects?
Some more "famous" bot webs released one. But it isnt that what u prospectin from HB. its mostly Like complicated stuff, thats less "easy" build like Diablo3 or WoW bot. Honorbuddy is really different to them
I've seen about 3 different providers now offering bots. I would love to see a release here, I know it would be much better than the competition.
I would absolutely buy a black desert bot from the HB team, currently having to use trash bots. I think you should reconsider making a bot APOC, this game has a lot of staying power and it may be difficult to do, but fishing is so lucrative that I would pay big time money to automate it.
Here's how to get around BDO's anti-***** (XIGNCODE). Create a file named "xhunter1.sys", put it in "C:\Windows", and then deny all access to it (this accomplishes the same result as using Driver Radar Pro). This lets you open bot programs. Create a firewall rule to block all outbound traffic for "xcoronahost.xem" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\bin64\xc\na\2) and only enable it after BDO opens (if it's enabled before BDO opens BDO will throw an error). This prevents XIGNCODE from sending its "xigncode.log" anywhere. Obviously there may be better ways or a bit more to it than that, but I'll leave that to the smarter people out there.