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  • [Request]Engineering/Alchemy 1-600 profiles(mats required/no farming)

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by adicutz, Oct 12, 2013.

    1. adicutz

      adicutz New Member

      Mar 11, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Hey there, i am looking for someone willing to create 2 profiles that level these 2 professions. I know there might be some on this forums, however i`m looking for profiles, like Auxilium1989 had, that needs to have all the required mats in bags/bank/gbank, and not farms for them. Also i need to know exactly how many materials are needed or at least aproximate.
      I am willing to donate a nice amount for this. I don`t know if this is allowed to post, if not please excuse me and delete the donation part.

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