Hej all Im looking for a nice "Eternal fire"/"Crystalized fire" farming profile for ally. the reason for this request is that most if not all of the old farming profiles seem to be for an older version of honorbuddy. help would be very much appreciated. thank you in advance -Maltekagen
Hi there, I just redid the flostflow cave profile in storm peaks. However, these are horde mail and repair. You could remove the mail and repair sections of the profile quite easily and just use it to grind until your bags are full. If you need help doing this let me know. I may look at making an alliance or neutral one with proper fly to paths at some stage in the future, but in the meantime this should work for you. View attachment !Rooster's Frostfloe eternal fire.xml
works like a charm, just checking on it every 2 hours for emptying bags and then its back to Stormpeaks, ;D