I've had a look through all my files and I'm trying to figure out if it's possible on my end to write a profile for BGbuddy so that it's not the exact same as everyone else but it looks like the way the bot loads the information is already built in? Does anyone know have any info on how the bot works?
Great question--I've done a bunch of searching through the forums and haven't found an answer to this.
Hi, all, I'm afraid the only documentation you can find is going to be skimpy, and you can find it here: Honorbuddy Profile Tag: Hotspot (PvP version) - Buddy Wiki The specific algorithms employed are unique to each battleground and hard-coded into BGBuddy itself. For instance, Arathi Basin strategy is not even comparable to a "Capture the Flag"-type battleground. The strategies have no public exposure, either in API or Profile code. cheers, chinajade