if anybody has this profile could u share it please. for some reason i cant find the thread. id really appreciate it
Can't be shared without the authors permission, best bet would be to hope someone codes a new one or the original author lets you have a copy.
i made my own pickpocket profiles here is the small part of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY8F0EgbMS8&feature=youtu.be Ive been running it for 3 days so far no whispers or stucks or anything. 90k in 3 days. AMAZING. 60k of pure gold and 6 daggers. Notice the rogue's movement speed. it's literally 204% If u like it send me a private message or add my skype - Lezhat.
added a few changes to the routine and now it does vanish and preparation right after aggros mobs and the thing to open boxes automatically so its fully afkable u only need to sell epics
made TWO new profiles at Isle of Thunder the same idea full afk 20k gold every 24hour + usually 1 epic. If ur interested Skype - Lezhat
were does the gold come from? i see 72s looted by pickpocket, cant see how that can get you 90k in 3 days..?
it makes ~20k of pure gold every 24gour ~1epic which u will sell for 2k depends on ur realm. the most gold comes from junkboxes
made a few new profiles in different location. also new island is coming out with new patch and ima make another 1-2 there too