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  • [request] get-started guide for freshly botted toons?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by deusx, Dec 19, 2010.

    1. deusx

      deusx Member

      Feb 1, 2010
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      Hey all, just finished botting my pala 80-85 by doing random battlegrounds 100% AFK (thank you Bossland!!!)
      So now I figure i wonna go and check out new content but realise that i can't go to many new zones since i never did starting questchains/attunements/whatever. So i don't have fp to TH, don't have ports to Uldum and Hyjal... so far i figured out that underwater zone port and Deepholm

      So it would be usefull if someone could post a list of must-do quests chains any botter prolly missed while leveling

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