Well, i have finally got to farming a nice amount of gold successfully, and was wondering if any veteran gold seller out there could write me a little guide? Thanks!
I would love if they could go in depth about how many accounts, should you bot on this one etc, how do you transfer gold, etc.
http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?89-How-to-maximize-profit-by-Vilarix I will do a guide to sell gold if you want, if no one want to do it
Its actually pretty simple. Here is the crash course. (Well this is how I do it) Need a gather bot. Have him drop stuff off in the guild vault. Get a vanilla account and use him to sell stuff in AH, make the gold. You then need another vanilla wow account. Create a random level 1 char go to ratchet (put him in the guild to take out the gold of course). Find a seller (Gold4key, MMOFly - name a few), they will tell you what to do. You will either be in Ratchet or Org to make the trade. I take the gold out of the gbank then just leave the guild. Not really sure if this helps keep my guild out of the picture or not. I trade the gold to the seller, they pay. Done I gave up with Private Buyers, sometimes difficult to find and you can easily get scammed or something. So I deal with the $2-3 per k.
http://www.buddyforum.de/search.php?searchid=5677 Strange? Nothing there specifically about how to sell gold? Its called not being a tool. You should try it. Edit: I don't get it, you act like a cunt towards me for asking a question, yet you have posted a blog saying people are welcome to ask you questions on this exact same subject? - http://www.buddyforum.de/blog.php?3567-typeuser
Okay so say i have a main account that i actually play on, So Account #1. Is my main, is it okay to have it under the same last name so i can transfer a spare 80 and start farming asap?? Account #2. Is my botting account. He will bot it all, and then just pop it into a self made guild. Account #3. Is my Bank account, He just sells all the stuff in the guild bank, and then deposits it. Account #4. Just transfer the gold, probably gets banned, but eh, who cares. So is it safe to have the botting account and the main account linked? because i have a spar lvl 80 that i could transfer easily and skip the whole leveling process with honorbuddy.
1) Save up as much gold as you can, 50k or so 2) Arrange a sale with one of the sites that buy gold 3) Go to LAN cafe and make the deal 4) Write to blizz and let them know you were just hacked and they took all your golds probably only works once but thats why you save alot of gold up.
Well i have heard that alot. But apparently alot of people cant read the posts that well Im not asking how to keep it completely surefire safe, im asking how to keep it as safe as possible. Like, what is your setup, how many times have yo been banned etc.
I know there is no magical way of selling gold without being banned, I would just like a step by step guide of how someone who is already successfully selling gold and making money from it, does it.
Quoted for truth. I think since we have a new forum someone with alot of gold selling experience should post their rig, and how to get it all going etc. I would gladly +rep whoever does.
If you bot and get gold, sell it, and transfer it to your bank account, wouldn't that look really weird to the bank? Like, what risks are there for putting the money into your bank account. =/