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  • [Request] How to disable Grim Batol drake bombing in default dungeon script?

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by arcadianyouth, May 7, 2014.

    1. arcadianyouth

      arcadianyouth New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      [Request] How to disable Grim Batol drake bombing in default dungeon script? <Done>

      Just as the title says, I enjoy the default dungeon scripts, and have just started some light farming in Grim Batol. But I fear the dungeon script is overly efficient at killing all the mobs I want ember weave and loot from QQ.

      Since i would imagine changing the script from killing everything to only hurting the groups to be a pain, what would I need to do to remove the bombing portion of the script all together?

      Reason for the asking is that I am still to much of a noob to write my own script and have yet to have the time to start learning how. Though that is in the plans once i can find an easy to understand guide and the time to study it ^^.

      So I fall upon the community for assistance and direction. Any help and all suggestions are appreciated.

      EDITED MAY 11, 2014:

      Looks like the best fix is to change the creature ID's in the default profiles. So I solved my own problem after a week or so of experimenting.
      Last edited: May 11, 2014

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