Hey all, Sorry if this has been requested and I missed it. I did several searches for it but I can't seem to find anything so hopefully I'm not doubling up. I was thinking since there is a Direfang Alpha (fur) and a Trampler (Feast) profile that maybe a profile for Ironhide Bulls (leather) could be created. With the different Trap plugins its really just a matter of coding the route and what mobs to attack. It would be greatly appreciated if something like this popped up. Thanks a lot to everyone who helps out in this section and makes these awesome profiles.
Try running this profile with AutoBarnTrapper: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-profiles/farming/201319-qb-fast-steamwheedle-rep-auto-meat-skins.html I may be able to come up with a better route that doesn't include as many Talbuks. PM me.
Thanks, I'll give it a try tonight and see what happens. Would be great to get a good stash of them so I can drop skinning without worry and not sacrifice savage blood. Not super concerned with avoiding stuff. It's a bot, it doesn't have to deal with me being angry at the extra mobs. Efficiency is not the key for me, not selling stuff. Just personal use so if it hits the mobs I need it should be great.