Hey! The profiles that worked before seems to malfunction in WoD, I don't know why. Anyone wanna look into the older profiles or make a new one? Thanks!
We just released one in the store if you search Isle of giants it will come up. It supports mammoth repair mount and tested 2k plus bones per hour.
This is definitely worth it. I tested out some of the profiles in Farming and found myself in a line of Bots running around the island. Way to Risky, which is why a BuddyStore version takes the cake on Isle of Dinos!
Well, if you know of a repair vendor on the isle, let me know. Otherwise you spend 5 minutes flying across the continent every time you need repairs or you bags are full. And that might get old real quick.
Here's the isle vendor: PHP: <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Agrant Sharpshot" Entry="70030" Type="Repair" X="6062.477" Y="1370.852" Z="88.56903" /> </Vendors>
Just realized that Argrant Sharpspot is in fact, not, neutral according to some comments on WoWhead. Apparently, you want Arnold Raygun - NPC - World of Warcraft for the Horde. I would test this further but I'm at the office (the real one)
Vendors Here you go. These will add both horde and ally to your profile now: PHP: <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Agrant Sharpshot" Entry="70030" Type="Repair" X="6062.477" Y="1370.852" Z="88.56903" UsableWhen="Me.IsAlliance" /> <Vendor Name="Arnold Raygun" Entry="70034" Type="Repair" X="6170.672" Y="919.8941" Z="103.6551" UsableWhen="Me.IsHorde" /> </Vendors>
Bought it and it works fine on most characters. One thing though, when I died it just sat there. Did I do something wrong, or do you not have ress enabled?
Search forums for grind profiles, there's at least 3 out there that work with grindbot. I tried 2 and they both worked fine. They need to have their maximum level raised (open it up in notepad, ctrl+f to MaxLevel and swap that to higher than 100) but I used them. It wouldn't take long to have it buy the mount if it needed to but who can be bothered to code that in? lol
No, this cannot be controlled via profile. Make sure your settings are all correct in the bot itself.