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  • [Request] Mining/Herbing Profile like Lbniese 1-600.

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Kazunai, Jul 8, 2013.

    1. Kazunai

      Kazunai New Member

      Jul 8, 2013
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      Currently I've been using [PB][N] 1-600 Herbalism & Mining - By Lbniese (Fully Automated!) to do my farming but since I've hit level 600 it doesn't seem to work anymore.

      I was wondering if somebody could make a bot for me that would do all the things the Lbniese bot does (Or edit the Lbniese bot, with permission from the creator if required, to keep going even when at 600) for farming but past profession level 600. I am willing to pay if need be, feel free to contact me in PMs, Skype or E-Mail.
    2. middelfart

      middelfart New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      RE: 1-600 skill in pandaland patch

      As of right now you wont be needing anything like good ol' Liba's work. - The new patches has made it so that you can level 1-600 in pandaria.
      I highly recommend you using a char with flying in pandaria (level 90).

      step 1: Find a herb/mining profile
      step 2: download and extract to Default Profiles (located in your honorbuddy folder)
      step 3: Load wow + hb
      step 4: load the profile and chose the correct botbase (in most cases Gatherbuddy2).
      step 5: hit the start button and enjoy watching your character level from 1-600.

      NOTE: you will have to MANUALLY move your character to a prof trainer and learn the various types of herb and mining (from 1-75 etc.)
      - I hope this was helpfull

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