Hello, I have recently been trying to grind some Embersilk Cloth using the "Potion of Treasure Finding" for Tiny Treasure Chests which also can contain Embersilk Cloth, My problem beings as I try to use profiles that already exist, like the Twilight Highlands one, or the platform at Velrok Stand, The bot just says Loading tiles, moving to hotspot... and nothing happens. I had a friend help me SVN all the meshes which is a really cool feature. But basically, I can't make a profile for embersilk Cloth work..... So.. I was hoping someone in the community could help me out here, I just need a profile that will run about smashing all the mobs in the area and loot, mail cloth to alt and sell grey's + repair @ vendor. If someone could make that profile for me, you would have my thanks. Vman EDIT: This profile, should "in theory" provide enough materials to create endless amounts of embersilk bags, which can be sold at auction for 3-500g each if not more, + vendor grey's and cash drops, makes this operate at around 1-2k g per hour, I have done this many times manually and been very happy with the results, now I would like the bot to do it, so I can go see a movie with my friends... I did modify the profiles I downloaded, and changed the "MAXLEVEL" to "91" at all occurrences of the word "maxlevel" I'm not really sure if there is something else to modify / delete / change, all this stuff looks like german to me, I don't really understand more than a few words of it But if you can help me out, +1