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  • [Request] Needlerock Slag - Deepholm

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by vman12, Jan 13, 2013.

    1. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      Hello, I have recently been trying to grind some Embersilk Cloth using the "Potion of Treasure Finding" for Tiny Treasure Chests which also can contain Embersilk Cloth, My problem beings as I try to use profiles that already exist, like the Twilight Highlands one, or the platform at Velrok Stand, The bot just says Loading tiles, moving to hotspot... and nothing happens. I had a friend help me SVN all the meshes which is a really cool feature.

      But basically, I can't make a profile for embersilk Cloth work..... So.. I was hoping someone in the community could help me out here, I just need a profile that will run about smashing all the mobs in the area and loot, mail cloth to alt and sell grey's + repair @ vendor.

      If someone could make that profile for me, you would have my thanks.



      This profile, should "in theory" provide enough materials to create endless amounts of embersilk bags, which can be sold at auction for 3-500g each if not more, + vendor grey's and cash drops, makes this operate at around 1-2k g per hour, I have done this many times manually and been very happy with the results, now I would like the bot to do it, so I can go see a movie with my friends...

      I did modify the profiles I downloaded, and changed the "MAXLEVEL" to "91" at all occurrences of the word "maxlevel" I'm not really sure if there is something else to modify / delete / change, all this stuff looks like german to me, I don't really understand more than a few words of it :)

      But if you can help me out, +1
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2013

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