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  • request on refining auto-concede

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by alvinma, Jun 23, 2016.

    1. alvinma

      alvinma New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Currently, auto-concede works in a way such that once the bot win a match, it sets a flag for concede, and then TRY to concede the next match.

      The problem is that sometimes, for a match that's scheduled to be conceded by the bot, you actually have your opponent concede to you before the bot does(as the bot wait a few seconds into the game before it concedes), and the bot does not know that the # of games it need to concede is increased by 1(since it uses a flag, instead of a counter, to keep track of game(s) to concede).

      This problem will cause the player to "climb the ladder", gaining stars/wins on the ladder, and fails the purpose of keeping rank(by auto-concede after a win)

      The solution would be easy: replace the auto-concede flag with an auto-concede counter; for each game won, add to the counter by 1, for each game conceded, reduce the counter by 1.

      Hope I made myself clear on the matter.

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