Hey there! Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not.. A mod can feel free to move this post Also not sure if we're allowed to do a request, cant see why not but it mostly gonna get ignored ^^ Anyways.. My little request is just for opening and looting these small crafting mats satchels that you loot while grinding. Seems like a waste both of credit and mats to sell them for like 1-3 credits to vendor, no? I messed around with the plugin that comes with the client, to open Lockboxes, well, I manage to get it to open, just not loot the darn thing. Here is where I need your assistence. As I just reversenginered the one plugin that I already have you should know that I cant code for anything x) So if anyone feels like helping me and others who might also want this, please feel free to assist ^^ Or if this already exist somewhere on our forum, redirect me to it as I've not found anything like it myself. Cheers // Kabeewm.
Sadly, no.. It just opens the container, and you'll have to click to claim the items in it, its not like the Lockbox where it just adds credits. I wish it did just loot and spam the inventory tho, but it wont do that for me at least. As I said I manage to get it to open the container, wont loot it, so its just opens a new window that you'll have to click. As you are a dev, I hope you can *maybe* create a plugin for this? Its a TOTAL waste of both mats and credit to just sell the Satchels to Vendor. Cheers! // Kabeewm.
I'm giving this a bump due to that I really would like a plugin for this. And please, tell me if this isnt possible, at least then I know. Cheers // Kabeewm.
It all comes to, if there is any code to loot the insides of a container. i Dont think there is such code, as we were advised to use right click = loot set in SWTOR from day one. ill dive in the BW bible, see what i can find
Ah okey I see, well I really appriciate that you take some time to drill the BW Bible Cryogenesis! I've had some thought around this, like, really some really ghetto-fix.. Like running a macro on my mouse clicking, so it loots when the plugin opens the container. Just in the though-stage yet tho but it seems like an easy setup. Again, thanks for taking some time with this man. Cheers // Kabeewm.
If you do that, you might be better off, going for a pixelbot. Write one with the picture of the loot (aint that much i presume).
Hmm well, I have no clue where to pick up a Pixelbot, nor can I code (at all) one. But I'll try this with clicking the mouse on a macro someday when I can spare some time. I guess you didnt find any goodie to assist in this matter? Its a shame really, as you just trow away those mats for 1 credit while grinding. Not that I use the mats or sell on GTN, just vendor it and you'll make a hell of a buck more Thanks for your time tho, Cryogenesis. Feels good man :3 Cheers // Kabeewm.
You'd probably be able to add the small crafting mats satchels to the Use Lockboxes plugin that comes with the bot. Edit: Did it myself, it does open up the satchels, but there is an additional "Take All" button that the bot needs to get past