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  • [Request] Option to Pause Bot/Option to Start New Log File

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by Prodiniz, Jun 21, 2014.

    1. Prodiniz

      Prodiniz Member

      Jan 10, 2014
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      I think this would be a great feature considering there are many times when a lot of us are physically watching the bot while doing other things. It would allow us to pause the bot while in game and not have to tab out wasting seconds that could be spent saving ourselves or just making a small change to equipment, etc etc. To be honest, I'm not sure why this hasn't been implemented yet. I know Magitek has the option on it's combat assist, so it should be feasible to create an overall pause setting or even an in game hotkey that just activates the "stop" function. Also, if this becomes a feature, please give us the ability to choose which key we want to use as the hotkey. I really appreciate that feature on the Magitek

      The other request is for people like myself that want to assist in testing and reporting bugs/issues with the bot. I would like to see the option to clear current logs and start a new one without the need to restart the bot entirely. This would allow us to give smaller logs with more accurate data without the need to parse through hours of log files.

      Thanks in advance.

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