Hey guys, I tried almost every single profile for farming "Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample", which should grind the Ogres around in Nagrand. But no of those works. Has anyone of you a working profile?
If you use one of the Mag'har rep profiles (eg. One in my svn in sig) it will grind the right mobs. other wise just use any Nagrand Grinding profile.
You never said that was the issue initially, please post your logs, something is wrong on your end and we may be able to help you with a log. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html
What bot are you running these under? EG, my profile requires the bot to be set to Questing, not Grind Bot.
Yep, you're right. I was running "Grind Bot" But there is another problem. I'm already exalted with the Mag'har. I just want to farm these Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Examples. Bot tells me: "You have reached Exalted" when I click "Continue Profil" --> "Nothing more to do. Stopping bot."
Test the profile I just attached and see what that does, doesn't have any Rep Checks in it, but it will stop when you have the max amount of powder.
Many many things, stripped out all of the Quests and other Mag'har rep specific code. Changed the grinding conditions to be specific for that item you are farming (And that meant duplicating the grinding code, one for horde and one for alliance) and removing the warbeads turn in quest script. If you like it, +Rep me (Small star next too [Blog this post])
takes me to the horde starting point. Did i miss something? Anyway to skip this step? Not sure wtf it wants me to do over here. Goes to the mailbox yet ive got 102 empty spots.
I'm not sure what you mean, it's taking you to Orgrimmar? Are you using a Horde or Alliance Toon? What continent are you on? Where is your log? If you are horde, while you are in org it will do a repair/mail/sell run, this is standard in all my profiles, however it shouldn't be taking you to orgrimmar if you are alliance. If you are in outlands it won't do this, spending 10 seconds doing a bag clean out before starting a profile is good practice as my profiles are written for myself and I 100% AFK bot. No babysitting. If you are not in the right zone, it will hearth you, if you are in the right zone it won't. If you read the profile it will show you all of that. If you for some reason have an aversion to mailboxes, edit the profile PHP: <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Emptying our bags before leaving home" LogColor="Orange" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="true" DoRepair="true" DoSell="true" DoTrain="false" /> to PHP: <!-- <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Emptying our bags before leaving home" LogColor="Orange" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="true" DoRepair="true" DoSell="true" DoTrain="false" /> -->
Ill try that when i get home from work. What i mean is i am alliance, i start in nagrand, and it takes me to the horde starting city, i forget the name. Its right by the large body of water, not Orgrimmar. Thank you for the reply.
The updated profile in my SVN/on the other thread you posted in (Horde profiles section) I have changed the co-ordinates, but I have no alliance toons to test it with. So try it and see if it helps. I think it will fly you to an alliance npc when it's done. PS my profile stops when you have 100 of the item, as it's Unique-100
Ok, i went from post to post to test them. Ill test it soon as i get 500 eggs. Want the mount that ill never use. stopping at 100 is fine, i dont think ill need much more than that to finish this. any suggestions on a good leveling bot? 1-85? Need to make another account and make it my mining skinner/herb