Hi What I'm interested in is a profile, that will automatically select a random profile from within a certain folder. Mainly to be used in conjunction with HBRelog. HBRelog -> logs in -> picks selected profile to run which will redirect to another random profile within a certain folder location. My aim is to create a folder of gathering profiles that will automatically circulate in a random order via this tool. So I could setup HBRelog to take a break after 1.5 hours gathering for 15 minutes, when it logs back in it will then select another random profile from a selection of say 50-100. Will save me having to manually change which profile each bot is running at any time, or giving it a prescripted order of profiles through the tasks. I haven't been able to find anything of this nature in the forums, but if anyone knows of something, then please let me know Thanks
dat? http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/uncataloged/74477-plugin-profile-changer.html