A friend wants to me try and get him the glorious set and since I only really use gatherbuddy with randombuddy I have never needed to create a profile. I?ll be tryin to make one but thought I would ask if anyone could possibly update this already created profile from Verum , or even create one for me. [URL: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-profiles/farming/53006-grind-verums-glorious-plate-set-farm.html ] There are other profiles I have found but all are outdated and do not work. If so I would appreciate it and would be willing to kick back some coin for the assistance especially for a new profile that maybe kills both mobs listed below. Mobs that I want to generate a profile for are these: Hive'Regal Slavemaker - NPC - World of Warcraft and Twilight Avenger - NPC - World of Warcraft
PM me what you need and where I can contact you. (TeamSpeak, Skype, etc.) I'll probably do it for much cheaper, as long as it isn't too drastic.