Something like this may already be out there, but hours of forum searching haven't yielded what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a no frills profile for use with AutoAnger2 that simply casts and 'loots' the lure over and over and over, wherever I happen to be fishing. Don't really care about pools etc. Anyone know of a profile like this?
are you looking for a blank profile that just sits still? I believe there is one included with LazyRaider as well as in previous releases of Rarekiller and some other plugins possibly skim the plugin forum?
I take no credit for this profile, but here is an upload of Dalaran 1-525 fishing for you that will do the job if you are just wanting to level up fishing in one spot, just go to Dalaran and you are right next to the trainer, works fine for me I can't say I really know of one that will do it where ever you are, I used to use mr fish it for that.
You don't need a special profile for this. Its built in. Just go into the settings for AutoAngler2 and set PoolFishing to False. (I think its "PoolFishing". I can't launch HB right now to make sure but if not its dang close to that.) It will automatically load a blank profile and try to fish wherever you are standing.